11.1 datasettURI
1.5 |
Unique resource identifier |
1..* |
1.7 |
Resource language |
0..* |
Mandatory if the resource includes textual information. |
58 datasettSpråk |
2.1 |
Topic category |
1..* |
60 temakategori |
3 |
Keyword |
1..* |
28 nøkkelord |
4.1 |
Geographic bounding box |
1..* |
64 Utstrekning |
5 |
Temporal reference |
1..* |
351 gyldighetTidsrom |
6.1 |
Lineage |
1 |
83 prosessHistorie |
6.2 |
Spatial resolution |
0..* |
Mandatory for data sets and data set series if an equivalent scale or a resolution distance can be specified. |
57 datasettOppløsning |
7 |
Conformity |
1..* |
10 metadataStandardNavn |
8.1 |
Conditions for access and use |
1..* |
68 brukBegrensninger |
8.2 |
Limitations on public access |
1..* |
71 brukerRestriksjoner |
9 |
Responsible organisation |
1..* |